Welcome to the 38th Annual Celebration of Italian Heritage and Culture Month
Dear Friends:
Welcome to the 38th annual celebration of Italian Heritage and Culture Month. This year the Board of Directors of the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee, New York, Inc. has selected as its theme: “Celebrating the Italian American Experience, Legends and Icons, Italian Americans in Sports.”
We join with all Italian Americans in celebrating this special year. We are confident that the various organizations which historically recognize Italian Americans during the month of October will especially think about the important contributions to our heritage and culture that have been made by I-A men and women in the field of sports.
At this time, I thank all who have suggested and prepared the final work towards the various posters, bookmarks, pamphlets, and solicitation of programs for the booklet/insert of activities for the year 2014, all of which can be found as well on our web site. Our publications are provided through the generosity of benefactors, among which are the Columbus Citizens Foundation, the Office of the Consulate General of Italy in New York and many other individuals and contributors.
During these challenging economic times, we are most appreciative of the response by those individuals who generously have contributed to the development of our materials, and as well, to the overwhelming largesse by our sponsors whose ads are included within. For without their financial support, we might not have been able to produce such a comprehensive view of all the many activities for Italian Heritage and Culture Month, 2014.
For this 2014 issue of our annual information, we have partnered with i–Italy Magazine in what one might consider a new venture, by inserting our former “booklet” into an insert in the September-October issue, that can now be seen in some 50,000 copies and multiple other readers. We await the comments of our esteemed readers and supporters all.
You are enthusiastically and wholeheartedly invited to join us in this celebration to partake of, and participate in, as many activities listed in the calendar of events as you are able. With all of us, the members of the Italian Heritage and Culture Committee, NY, Inc., a Board with a grace of life as “Italophiles,” I encourage you to celebrate our rich heritage!
Grazie a tutti e buon proseguimento!
Cav. Uff. Joseph Sciame
Mese della Cultura Italiana
Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York, Inc.
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