Music! Benefit Concert for the Central Italy Earthquake

Music! Benefit Concert for the Central Italy Earthquake

(September 12, 2016)
A stellar line-up of New York based musicians will perform in support of the cause

Bar LunÀtico (486 Halsey St, Brooklyn, NY 11233 - www.barlunatico.com) - the intimate/magic music venue which is gaining an high reputation in the New York song writer/jazz music scene - in collaboration with Italian guitarist/composer Marco Cappelli has organized a night in support of the victims of the recent earthquake in Italy. 


A stellar lineup of avant-jazz New York based musicians - usually touring in the most prestigious international festival scene - will perform in support of the cause, in 7 sets. This will be a great night of music and solidarity not to be missed!


Music starts at 6:30 

The usual suggested donation is $10, but an upgrade to $20 is strongly recommended for this specific cause.

Performing musicians: 

DAMON BANKS http://damonbanks.net/

ELLIOTT SHARP http://www.elliottsharp.com/

STEVE BERNSTEIN http://www.stevenbernstein.net/

MARCO CAPPELLI http://marcocappelli.com/

ANTHONY COLEMAN http://necmusic.edu/faculty/anthony-coleman

KEN FILIANO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Filiano

JOE HERTENSTEIN http://joehertenstein-music.tumblr.com/

SHELLEY HIRSCH http://www.shelleyhirsch.com/shelley/

JAMES ILGENFRITZ https://jamesilgenfritz.com/

BRAD JONES http://bassjones.com/

BRIGGAN KRAUSS http://www.briggankrauss.com/

JT LEWIS http://www.jtlewis.org/bio-discography/

DAVE MILLER https://davemillerdrums.wordpress.com/

JIM PUGLIESE http://www.jimpugliese.org/

BRANDON ROSS https://www.reverbnation.com/brandonross 

DOUG WIESELMAN http://www.dougwieselman.com/ 





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