Fighting to Protect Our Sea and its Resources
Two important eco-friendly events are scheduled for next week, and both of them are organized by Marevivo and UniVerde Foundation: two influential Italian associations for the safeguard of the earth and the sea.
The first one will be on Tuesday, 31st May 2016 at 6:00 pm at the South end of the ConferenceBuilding of UN headquarters, and the second at the General Consulate of Italy in Park Avenue.
The captivating title of the first event will be “Mission Earth - The sea: the blue lung of the world” – and will be about the important role the waters and the sea life play for our world, as well as their protection and conservation.
The second one, which is scheduled on June, 1st at the General Consulate of Italy in New York at 5 pm - will focus on the terrestrial side rather than the marine one, and will underscore the importance renewable energies represent for the future of our islands and territories in general.
“Sun, wind and Sea: renewable energies for a sustainable future of the islands” - this is the title of the event - will cover a topic which is very close to our hearts as Italians.
Italy, in fact, with its 4800 miles of coastline and with more than 800 islands is very much involved in tackling the impact that climate change and pollution have on those territories, and that is why is so keen in exploring new solutions based on sustainability and renewable energies.
The Italian islands are not only wonderful destinations for vacation and a truly important part of our cultural and artistic heritage, but it is important to keep in mind that they are also essential actors in confronting world trends on climate change.
Marevivo is an organization that carries out matters of biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, enhancement and promotion of marine protected areas. It is also very concerned about environmental education, in combating pollution and illegal fishing. Marevivo’s actions are characterized by a fair balance between environmental protection and economic and social development, and by proactive positions in line with its mission.
Fondazione Univerde, similarly, aims to promote the diffusion of the knowledge and the awareness of the ecologist culture and to promote a change of life habits in order to live harmoniously with the natural environment as well as a sustainable future.
This is another important example of how both the United Nations and the Consulate General of Italy always put remarkable effort in order to rise the awareness regarding serious problems and about the world and our Country, dwelling upon the importance of our existence as Italian and world’s citizens.
Marevivo was founded in 1985. Since then the Association has been tirelessly fighting to protect our sea and its resources.
Thanks to its "impartial" role, free from any political influence, and to a strengthened image of intellectual honesty and independence, over the years Marevivo has created a well-structured network of relationships with institutions, citizens and sector groups, on national and international level.
In carrying out its activities in Italy and abroad, Marevivo is supported by a scientific commission and a legal one, itsterritorial delegations, a diving division and a widespread network of volunteers and members of the Association.
Marevivo’s activity, its projects and campaigns to protect the marine environment are carried out with the voluntary commitment of its members and with the support of institutions and private companies and aim to arouse public interest and general consensus, also through a powerful and effective communication which allowed the Association to influence decision-making processes and policies.
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