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Ask any die-hard soccer (or more appropriately, football) fan in Europe about the best shoe brand, and they’ll probably mention Pantofola d’Oro.

Pope Francis fired the latest salvo in his condemnation of the Italian mafia on Wednesday, telling gangsters that they “carry death in their souls” and cannot claim to be Catholics.

t’s becoming the new normal: An American entrepreneur heads to Italy, finds a top-notch artisanal shoe factory, then sells the shoes online at a fraction of the price charged by designer brands making shoes in comparable factories. Sneaker brands Koio and Greats have done this, and women’s shoe brands M.Gemi and Idoni. This trend is fundamentally disrupting the luxury market, giving customers a more affordable alternative to European heritage brands like Louis Vuitton and Prada.

Italian anti-terrorism police on Wednesday arrested an Italian citizen of Moroccan origin who they said was an Islamic State sympathizer planning a truck attack.
Last month, Conan O’Brien and his favorite coworker Jordan Schlansky headed to Italy to tape a new remote special, and while it doesn’t air on TBS for another two weeks, there’s still plenty of entertainment in O’Brien and Schlansky’s planning session, which you can check out above. What begins as a pretty typical planning session between these two (“I’ve always wanted to understand Italy the way you understand Italy. I want to see Italy through your cold, lifeless eyes”) somehow gets sidetracked into an in-depth discussion about what these two don’t like about each other’s faces: “Do you think people adore your face because of the physical structure of your face or perhaps what it might represent beneath?” Watch the full Conan in Italy special when it airs Wednesday, April 11th at 10:00pm on TBS.

Consider this a public service announcement, as well as a lesson in cooking 101: to cook pasta, boil water first.
Three American students living abroad in Florence, Italy, learned this the hard way this week when they started a fire in their apartment by cooking pasta without the most basic of ingredients.

Two hundred yards from the Colosseum - where condemned men once fought wild animals - modern-day prison inmates face a rather different task: cleaning up rubbish in a park frequented by dog walkers and toddlers.

ISTANBUL — An Italian father is desperately seeking information about his son, who disappeared in Istanbul nearly two weeks ago.
Thirty-three-year-old Alessandro Fiori of Milan flew there on March 12 and was last spotted on a CCTV camera March 14 in Istanbul’s busy Beyoglu district, where the Italian Consulate is located, his father says.
His phone, wallet and other belongings were found in a hotel trash bin.
His father, Eligio Fiori, told the AP on Tuesday that his son, a marketing manager, often traveled abroad. He last saw Alessandro two weeks ago at their family home. He flew to Istanbul the next day without telling anyone. His mother later checked his credit card activity and found he’d bought a plane ticket.

An Italian man has finally been acquitted of stealing an aubergine nine years after being charged, ending a legal wrangle that cost taxpayers thousands.
The man, then 49, had the aubergine in his bucket when police caught him trying to escape through a privately owned field near Lecce, in the southern region of Puglia, in 2009.

In the first episode of Trust, John Paul Getty III (Harris Dickinson) comes this close to achieving what the other men in his family have been unable to: Winning the trust of J. Paul Getty (Donald Sutherland), the family patriarch and the richest man in the world. For a second there, John Paul thought he would be able to the money he desperately needed from his grandfather — and possibly even inherit the Getty Oil company as a side bonus. Then, something in 16-year-old Getty's young past emerges, and ruins his chances at his grandfather's money (and love).
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