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Can a trip around northern Italy's wonderful Lake Garda get any more spectacular?

A professor has used video games to teach Italian, allowing his students to master two semesters worth of language acquisition through one intensive class for students new to the Italian language.

In Florence, Italy, a local restaurateur teaches Kathie Lee and Hoda some surefire pickup lines, including the romantic Italian ways to say “I want you more than anything else” and “I will love you until your teeth fall out.”

Why the country's media missed its 'Harvey Weinstein moment'.

As of this weekend, 115-year-old Giuseppina Projetto of Italy is the second oldest person alive in the world today.

It’s common for hotels along the Italian coast to be closed during the winter months and full to capacity during the summer. But between these extremes, the spring months offer an attractive combination of mild temperatures and lack of crowds. Hotels from the Lake District to the Amalfi Coast, all the way to Sardinia offer discounts for the season’s first visitors in April, May and sometimes well into June.

More international buyers inquired about and purchased high-end homes in Italy in the first quarter of 2018, despite the country’s less-than-stable political and economic landscape, according to a Knight Frank report Wednesday.
“We are seeing much of the return of ultra-high-net-worth individuals to Italy at a level previously unseen,” said Amy Redfern, senior negotiator at Knight Frank Italian desk and author of the report.

Dear Heloise: My mother used to make your baked Italian chicken, and I still can remember how great it tasted. It was easy and quick to prepare, so can you reprint that recipe for us working women?

Chiara Foglietta, a Turin councillor, underwent artificial insemination in Denmark and gave birth last Friday to baby boy Niccolo Pietro.

Italy's anti-establishment party leader Luigi Di Maio on Wednesday gave far-right leader Matteo Salvini until the "end of the week" to dump coalition ally Silvio Berlusconi and strike a deal in the latest round of Italian government talks.
Earlier, Italian President Sergio Mattarella tasked Senate speaker Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati with brokering an agreement by Friday between Di Maio's Five Star Movement (M5S) and Salvini's nationalist League party, which leads a right-wing coalition that contains Berlusconi's Forza Italia.
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