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A 420-year-old church in Italy's north narrowly avoided being crushed by a rock fall which shrouded the town in a thick dust cloud.

A town near Rome, hit hard by poverty and rise of organised crime, has come under the spotlight with Pope Francis' visit.

Italy's new populist government, made up of a coalition of relative political newcomers, will face its first test Tuesday.

Music is never loud or quiet, it’s ‘forte’, ‘piano’ or somewhere in between. And it’s all because Italian music theorists got there first…

STEVE Bannon has hailed the election of Italy’s populist coalition government and claimed the rise of the Five Star Movement (5SM) and Lega will spur a surge in protest eurosceptic votes at next year’s European Union elections.

Scott Simon speaks with Italian journalist and author Beppe Severgnini to understand what comes next for Italy.

And at a time when the rules-based global order is under threat, now is an especially bad time for Europe to be divided and directionless.

Competition is heating up in the race to build the Navy’s next warship, with foreign and U.S. manufacturers vying for a multibillion-dollar opportunity.

Spain suffered far more than Italy during the euro crisis, but the major Spanish parties are committed to staying in the common currency

Thorbjorn Olesen of Denmark sunk a 10-foot putt on the final hole to win the Italian Open on Sunday and avoid a playoff with home favorite Francesco Molinari.
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