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  • Facts & Stories
    Letizia Airos Soria(August 28, 2018)
    Meet Ambassador Mariangela Zappia, the first woman to lead the Italian mission to the United Nations. A firm believer in multilateralism and a fierce advocate of gender equality, Ambassador Zappia promises to make a difference at the UN.
  • Andiamo a trovare la nuova Rappresentante Permanente dell’Italia presso le Nazioni Unite a New York. E' la prima donna italiana in questo ruolo. Con lei abbiamo una conversazione aperta. Parliamo della presenza italiana nel mondo che esalta le ragioni del dialogo e comprensione reciproca. Del suo credo multilateralista. In questa intervista incontrerete la diplomatica, moglie e madre, fermamente convinta di quanto sia importante la parità di genere per il futuro del mondo. 'Empowerment delle donne', occorre dare alle donne la possibilità di entrare nei processi. Mariangela Sappia ribadisce il suo sostegno all’azione del Segretario Generale Guterres a favore della parità di genere: "Mi concentrerò su questo tema"
  • In his first visit to the US as Italy’s President, Sergio Mattarella met with President Barack Obama, made an important appearance at the United Nations, visited the 9/11 memorial, the new Whitney Museum designed by Renzo Piano, the Columbia University, the City Hall of NYC and the Museum of Immigration in Ellis Island. And, above all, he embraced the Italian and Italian-American community at the Guggenheim Museum. “I am also a New Yorker” the Italian President told them in English, flanked by NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo, Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero, and the Consul General in New York Natalia Quintavalle: “New York is the anthology of the world, and Italians have made and continue to make a significant contribution to the America’s progress”. Recap of his visit
  • Events: Reports
    (December 06, 2013)
    Classroom Conversations Connecting the United Nations with world’s classrooms through discussions on today’s major issues and global responses to them Migration and development
  • An exciting and overwhelming concert with Angelique Kidjo at the United Nations. The event was sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations, in collaboration with UNICEF and UNFPA to raise awareness about the issue of female genital mutilation. The visit to New York City was intense for Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Elsa Fornero, who also oversees equal opportunity initiatives and supports the U.N. resolution against this practice.