You chose: dance

You chose: dance

  • Marco Pelle, photo credit: Alexo Wandael
    Fatti e Storie
    Francesca Pili(December 10, 2018)
    Vincitore del PrimiDieci USA Awards nel 2016, il coreografo italiano ci racconta la strada percorsa, tra vita e danza, che lo ha portato al successo
  • Art & Culture
    N. C.(May 21, 2018)
    From May 24 until May 27, the Italian dance festival is showcasing various performances celebrating culture, dance, and visual artistry, providing a platform for Italian dancers to connect with artists in New York City.
  • A preview/work-in-progress of “No More Beautiful Dances” with dancer Annabella Lenzu will be performed at the Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art at Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden in Staten Island (with a 5PM reception preceding the performance). This performance is presented by Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden and PASS: Performing Arts Salon Saturdays.
  • Massimiliano Finazzer Flory recita Giusepoe Verdi
    Giuseppe Verdi alla parata sulla quinta strada con una coreografia coordinata intorno ai Beni culturali tutelati dall’Unesco a “incarnare” la Regione Lombardia con la Fondazione Stelline. Si tratta di un gesto estetico guidato dal volto del più noto compositore italiano sulle note trionfali di un’Aida
  • Massimiliano Finazzer Flory as Giuseppe Verdi
    Giuseppe Verdi is at the parade on Fifth Avenue with a coordinated choreography around Cultural Heritage sites protected by UNESCO. A performance personifying the Region of Lombardy and the Fondazione Stelline. It's a beautiful gesture guided by the face of Italy's most notable composer, Giuseppe Verdi, on the triumphant notes of Aida. Be sure not to miss this one-off performance in New York City!
  • "Italian Dance Connection" announces third annual NYC festival, May 30-June 4. New York and Italian artists to connect in a week long contemporary dance performance and art event.
  • Caterina Rago Dance Company
    "Labir Into," named after “labirinto,” Italian for “labyrinth,” will investigate the challenge of finding your most authentic self, the center of your own personal labyrinth. Dancers oscillate between the dark and the ethereal, a contrast of broad sweeping gestures and controlled staccato movements—bobbing, swirling, weaving, coiling and uncoiling, boldly traveling across the space only to retreat again—interspersed with striking moments of introspective stillness. Dancers manifest their own internal explorations; a visceral narrative of self and searching will emerge
  • Events: Reports
    M. T.(May 18, 2016)
    Vanessa Tamburi, Artistic Director announces its 2016 Festival Week, May 24-28, the organization’s second annual contemporary dance and art event in NYC. A wide variety of artistic styles await audiences with over 20 dance companies, artists and filmmakers to participate.
  • Boxing and dancing as metaphors for life; the sense of displacement produced by migrations; the exploration and control of space through body and interaction; the interconnections between brain, skin, and movement; and mostly the cross-pollination between dance and film – these themes were explored in February 2015 over the course of “Dancing a Film,” a multi-part program collaboratively offered at Montclair State University by the Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies (Department of Spanish and Italian) and the Kasser Theater/ACP.
