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You chose: jewish

  • For a decade, the Consulate general has organized this annual public reading to remember the about 3000 people who were forced to leave Italy often among indifference. We asked people and authorities who attended the commemoration why it is important to remember. “Not to repeat” was the common response. Yet the fear of the “others” and indifference seem still present beyond the rhetoric.
  • MEIS how it will look like in 2020
    As Jews around the world lit Hanukkah menorahs in celebration, The National Museum of Italian Judaism and Shoah (MEIS) in Ferrara opened its doors for the first time. The museum creates a bridge between the past and present in a city which has played a central role in Jewish culture within the country.
  • Events: Reports
    (March 10, 2016)
    March 23, 5:30 pm @ the Italian Academy at Columbia Film screening: What the Allies Knew (2015) by Virginie Linhart, produced by Cinetevè, historical supervision by Henry Rousso. Following a panel with Umberto Gentiloni (University of Rome and author of Bombardare Auschwitz ?, 2015), Marianne Hirsch (Columbia University). Moderator: Yasmine Ergas (Columbia University). With the participation of Fabienne Servan-Schreiber (producer).
  • Facts & Stories
    Letizia Airos(January 25, 2012)
    On the occasion of the Remembrance Day, i-Italy publishes again this interview released on 27th January 2009. An encounter with journalist Andrea Fiano, member of the Board of Directors of the Primo Levi Center (NYC). He is the son of Nedo Fiano, an Auschwitz survivor, and the father of Talia, an Italian American teenager
  • Life & People
    N.L.(September 17, 2011)
    This new platform provides a dynamic guide to both historical and contemporary Jewish Italy, allowing viewers to explore, at their own pace, the cultural treasures of the most ancient Diaspora community in the West.
  • Facts & Stories
    Maria Rita Latto(January 22, 2011)
    Tullia Zevi died Saturday at the age of 92. She was one of the historic post-war leaders of Italy's Jews and the only woman to ever hold the post of president of the country's Jewish communities. i-Italy met her two years ago. It was an honor for us. Here we re-publish that interview, where she talked about her life and her anti-Fascist militancy in New York.
