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You chose: noiaw

  • Following the Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations’ annual meeting in Washington DC on November 2, we asked its Chair, Dr. Aileen Riotto Sirey, to tell us a little more about the coalition’s history and its future. A retired psychotherapist, Dr. Sirey is also the Founder and Chair Emerita of the National Organization of Italian American Women (NOIAW). She has been serving as COPOMAIO’s Chair since 2018.
  • The Annual Luncheon of NOIAW, the National Organization of Italian American Women, was held on April 13th at the St. Regis Hotel in Manhattan, honoring the accomplishments of outstanding women and institutions, who contribute to the promotion and advancement of the Italian American culture and community.
  • Da sinistra: Maria Tamburri, Francesca Aborn, Maria Teresa Cometto, Laura Mattioli
    La celebrazione di tre “Wise Women” - tre sagge donne - e’ una tradizione iniziata una decina di anni fa dalla NOIAW, l'Organizzazione Nazionale delle donne italo-americane. Avviene a ridosso dell’Epifania, la festa in cui di solito sono i tre Re Magi - i “Wise Men”, uomini saggi in inglese - ad essere ricordati.
  • NOIAW Board, 2009 Standing left to right: Betty Santangelo, Aileen R. Sirey, Diana Femia, Tiffany Berns, Vivian Cardia, Cristina Matera MD., Judge Angela Mazzarelli, Donna DeMatteo. Seated: Hon. Geraldine Ferraro, Matilda Cuomo.
    Each year in the month of October, a volunteer committee of Italian Americans plans a month-long celebration of culture and heritage. The theme for 2018 is "A Salute to Italian Women in America - Breaking Barriers...from Ellis Island to the Present." In this piece the Founder and Chair Emerita of the National Organization of Italian American Women muses on the role of women in making Italian immigrants part and parcel of the American social fabric.
  • Op-Eds
    Aileen Riotto Sirey(November 09, 2016)
    A heartfelt comment by the Founder and Chair Emerita of the National Organization of Italian American Women. "For me the most disturbing characteristic of this campaign was Trump’s attitude toward women. He seems to see them as objects, not as individuals in their own right...less intelligent, inferior creatures subject to the convenience and entertainment of men like him. He ran against one of the smartest most knowledgeable women in this country, a woman arguably better trained and prepared for the job than any man ever to place his hand on that iconic bible. It’s sad to see that sexism is still very much alive."
  • Events: Reports
    (January 10, 2016)
    The Greater New York Region of the National Organization of Italian American Women (NOIAW) will honor three of New York’s outstanding Italian American women at its annual Epiphany, Donna Corrado, Ph.D., LCSW of the NYC Department of Aging; Carin Guarasci of Wagner College; and Sue Matthews of Conquering Kidz Cancer
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    i. a.(May 22, 2014)
    After a successful dinner promoting the region of Tuscany, the midtown Italian Restaurant "Piccolo Fiore Ristorante," moves down South offering a regional tasting event with "An evening in Puglia, " to take place June 5th from 7 to 9 PM. Piccolo Fiore Ristorante will be donating twenty dollars from the sales of each ticket s to the National Organization of Italian American Women
