Chalking Memory

Chalking Memory

Joey Skee (March 26, 2009)
Remembering the victims of the Triangle Factory Fire

I spent a portion of today memorializing a few of the 146 victims – many of them young, Italian and Jewish immigrant women – of the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. 

I chalked their names and ages in front of their homes.

- Annie Colletti, 30 years old, 410 East 13th Street

- Annina (Pasqualicchio) Ardito, 25 years old, 509 East 13th Street

- Annie L’Abbate, 16 years old,  509 East 13th Street

- Antonietta Pasqualicchio, 16 years old, 509 East 13th Stree

At one point, two fire trucks raced down Avenue A as Henryk Górecki’s “Symphony of Sorrowful Songs" played on my headphones.





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