The Rocks of San Francisco: Authenticity, Ethnic Neighborhoods, and Going Blog Crazy

The Rocks of San Francisco: Authenticity, Ethnic Neighborhoods, and Going Blog Crazy

Laura E. Ruberto (December 29, 2008)
Ethnic construction and sacred place, the replica of the Porziuncola Chapel in San Francisco’s Italian neighborhood.

In broad terms, this is the story of the granddaughter of a Sicilian immigrant who visits Italy, becomes inspired by the religious aura and art of a sacred place, and puts all of her energies into building a replica of that place in her hometown. That this woman is Angela Alioto—of the Italian American political family—that the sacred space is the Porziuncola Chapel, that the replica cost $2.9 million, and that the city is San Francisco (named, of course, after the humble friar), suggest that this is far from a simple bedtime tale.

Alioto and Newsom

(I found this snapshot of the interior on the web--Angela Alioto and Mayor Gavin Newsom at the official opening celebration.)

Francesco Rocks--North Beach



