Italian National Republic Day. Message from the President of the Republic
“To all those who live and work in our country, my best wishes for the holiday we celebrate together. It’s the holiday which marks Italy’s unification and statehood 150 years ago, the national holiday which the people freely chose on June 2, 1946.” And so began the video message from the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano for Italian National Republic Day.
“At this time, feeling united and cohesive as a nation, feeling Italian means,” added President Napolitano, “recognizing issues that concern us all, those problems that weigh heavily on families in need who are raising young children. The insecurity and uncertainty with which they struggle present serious questions for the future.”
“I’m talking about issues with work and daily life, the economy, and social justice. Throughout the world and especially in Europe we are living through a difficult crisis. A great effort and some sacrifices are therefore required to open Italy up to prospects that will allow it to develop in stronger and more certain ways. In order to grow and provide greater comfort to those left behind, Italy must grow as a whole, from north to south. It should, as far as young people are concerned, promote better education and training, advance science and technology, and raise the productivity of our economic system; this is the only way to create new and better jobs.”
“The coming together of opposing political parties should help achieve these results and not produce conflict and confrontation as an end in and of itself.
“In this spirit we debate,” emphasized the Head of State, “the decisions that are the order of the day. In this spirit we choose, in Parliament, in regional and local institutions, and in society, among the various proposals that should be freely discussed.”
“We share,” President Napolitano concluded, “a strong sense of responsibility because Italy must integrate its unity, innovate, and become more modern and just and it will then show itself to be capable of contributing to peace and justice in the world.
“Wishing a happy June 2 at all.”
(Traslated by Giulia Prestia)
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