Google Alert: Italian America on the Net
Google News Alert for: italian-american
Remarks by the First Lady at the National Italian American ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
Members and friends of the National Italian American Foundation, I'm delighted to be with you today to celebrate Italian Heritage Month. ...
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Italians gave their music to America
Cincinnati Post - OH,USA
Much of this week, I have been focusing on the Italian-American influence on our popular music. I could have chosen literature or science or sports or ...
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Buonitalia at "SenseOf Wine" USA (Washington, October 12th-13th 2007)
Wine Community - Modena,Emilia Romagna,Italy
In fact, on the occasion of the annual convention of NIAF-National Italian-American Foundation, to be held on October 12 th -13 th , you can taste a ...
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Free Speech Friday
Daily - University of Washington - Seattle,WA,USA
Such a move would also increase tensions between the American Indian community and the Italian American community, who see Columbus Day as a celebration of ...
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Steve Buscemi gives us the creeps
Times Online - UK
His Italian-American father John was a sanitation engineer, his Irish-American mother Dorothy "pretty much a housewife". Former classmates recall him as ...
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Italian-Americans salute Columbus at Rockland County Courthouse
The Journal News / - Westchester,NY,USA
Eleven Italian-American organizations have come together in support of the rededication, Marasa said. "It's a chance to remind people of Columbus and what ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: italian-american
Caesar Salad
By Skip
Technically, Caesar Salad would never have gotten a Green Card, let alone qualification as Italian-American, had its creator not been a bona fide Italian. Emigrating from Baveno, in the lake district of northern Italy, Cesare Cardini ...
Almost Italian -
Fall and Winter Programs from GVSHP
By Simeon Bankoff(Simeon Bankoff)
Once vital and vibrant Italian American communities have seen the replacement of original houses and businesses with what some call "Ethnic Theme Parks." Other areas have witnessed the complete destruction of the neighborhood. Prof. ...
Historic Districts Council Newsstand -
By Gourmet Blogs
Italian-American immigrants, having no guanciale, pancetta, or other cured meat to use, dumped it in pasta sauces and tucked it into calzones. Here in New York, deli owners often abuse it, thickly wadding it into massive hero sandwiches ...
Gourmet Food Editors Blog -
Italian Heritage Celebrated at Borough Hall with Food, Frenetic ...
By mcbrooklyn(mcbrooklyn)
Thursday night at Brooklyn Borough Hall, BP Marty Markowitz hosted a gala to celebrate Italian-American Heritage Month. The music and dancing filled the Rotunda, and the food, provided by local Italian restaurants, was mouth-watering.
mcbrooklyn -
Medford Weekender October 12-14, 2007
By insidemedford
Just in time for Italian-American Heritage month, Grapevine Travelers is holding an Italian wine-tasting from 3PM-7PM at their High Street shop. Join them as they sample three wines from three different regions. ... -
Google Web Alert for: italian-american
Italian American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An Italian American is an American of Italian descent. The phrase may refer to someone born in the United States of Italian heritage or to someone who has ...
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