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You chose: italian america

  • Accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luigi Di Maio, and the Minister of Technological Innovation Paola Pisano, the Italian President travelled to DC, where he met with Trump, as well as the leadership of the Italian American Congressional Delegation, and Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. He then went to San Francisco to visit startup companies Kong and Nozomi Networks, participate in the Italy-US Innovation Forum, and meet with the Mayor of San Francisco and the Governor of California.
  • What has turned into a sort of Commedia all’Italo Americana for Santorum has shown that the Republican electorate can’t seem to figure out who they want to run in the general election. I still can’t figure out if he’s Pantalone, Dottor Balanzone, Tartaglia or a mix of all three (also referred to as “masks”, these three principle characters or archetypes are pivotal to the Italian Commedia dell'Arte). With time ticking down, it’s pretty much statistically impossible for “Puerto” Rico Santorum to win the GOP nomination. He has reverted to parlour gags accompanying the image he has created for himself as a modern day Savonarola.
  • Our Fiat Seicento was the only one of its kind on my block. My parents told me that we drive this car because it “comes from Italy, like Daddy”...
  • The jury's out. A Pulitzer Prize-winner, a heartthrob of the silver screen and a teen journalist all agree: i-Italy's got a bright future. A capacious auditorium at the CUNY Graduate Center is where interested parties of Italians and Italian-Americans gathered for the Italian American Digital Project’s official launching on Monday. The event served to inaugurate IADP, the not-for-profit organization that will head i-Italy.org, and to recognize the students of the Empowerment for Italy-U.S. Community (EUSIC) project who helped get i-Italy off the ground and make it what it is today: both a community space and a website for journalistic content