You chose: joanna clapps herman

You chose: joanna clapps herman

  • Five women, two countries, one heart. This was the topic of discussion at New York University’s Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, where Johanna Clapps Herman moved the audience talking about her new book “When I am Italian” and telling the tale of her journey, as a young 20-year-old girl, in search of her roots. American but also Italian, belonging to neither place or to both.
  • Cinque donne, due paesi, un solo cuore. Ecco quello di cui si è parlato alla Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò di New York. Con il suo nuovo libro,“When I am Italian”, Joanna Clapps Herman ha emozionato tutto il pubblico in sala con la sua storia di giovane ragazza che si ritrovò, all’età di 20 anni, a cercare le sue origini, le sue radici. Americana ma anche italiana, appartenente a nessun posto o ad entrambi.
  • I have determined to revive my compilation of tidbits about recent professional developments and activities in Italian American Studies as part of this blog ("Roots and Branches" ) Please submit to me by the 15th of each month a 200 word carefully edited paragraph about your recent publications, public appearances, media productions, awards, promotions, grant projects, etc.