NIAF. Four New Members to Board of Directors
NIAF’s newly elected members of the Board of Directors are Nicholas R. Caiazzo, a partner in the New York office of Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP; George Simeone, senior group partner-in-charge of the Greater Tri-State audit practice of Deloitte; Charles Turano,executive vice president of the National Hockey League franchise Florida Panthers and director of Heritage Werks;and Michael J. Zarrelli,managing counsel and federal affairs manager for Alticor Inc. in Washington, D.C.
The NIAF Board of Directors and its Board Officers includes some of the most prominent business executives in the United States, including Hon. Anita Bevacqua McBride, executive in residence at American University School of Public Affairs and former chief of staff to First Lady Laura Bush; John F. Calvelli, executive vice president for the Public Affairs Division of the Wildlife Conservation Society; Linda R. Carlozzi, a partner in the New York Office of Jackson Lewis LLP; Joseph V. Del Raso, Esq., partner with Pepper Hamilton LLP; Hon. Louis J. Freeh, former FBI director; Marie L. Garibaldi, a former Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court; Hon. Patricia de Stacy Harrison, president and CEO of the Corporation of Public Broadcasting; Gerard S. LaRocca, chief administrative officer of the Americas at Barclays Capital; Gen. Peter Pace, U.S. Marine Corps General (Ret.); and John F. Scarpa, co-founder of American Cellular Network Corporation.
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the heritage and culture of Americans of Italian descent. Visit
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