Marinetti in New York

Marinetti in New York

I. I. (October 15, 2014)
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In New York, on Columbus Day, a trailer of the film directed and played by Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, “Marinetti a New York,” was shown. Clear in a video on YouTube, in collaboration with 77Agency, the film inspired by the performance of the same Finazzer Flory “gran Serata Futurista” is co-produced with the television production i-Italy.

In New York, on Colombus Day, a trailer of the film directed and played by  Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, “Marinetti a New York,” was shown on YouTube on  channel  in collaboration with 77Agency.

“It is the story of a great man that did not conform to his time,” says Finazzer Flory.

“It was filmed this summer with outdoor scenes in Manhattan and indoor scenes in Brooklyn, recreating the atmosphere from the beginning of the 1900s but, also, having before our eyes the realization of futurism or, rather, the sense of the big city; the film is a gift to the founder, the poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Without him futurism would not be understood or appreciated in such important European and American cities. In Italy, in the past, it was put down and unpopular.”

The film is inspired by the performance of the same Finazzer Flory “gran Serata Futurista” that recently performed on tour in the U.S. at Lincoln Center in New York, in conjunction with the Guggenheim Museum exhibit dedicated to futurism.

Co-produced with the television production i-Italy, directed by Letizia Airos in New York, and in collaboration with Gtech and Gioco serio dell’Arte, the film will be out in November on the show “i-ItalyNY” on NYCTV, channel 25 (the official television  channel of the city of New York), and then to theaters in major Italian cities in


This week Finazzer Flory will be in Houston, Texas to sign the agreement with one of the most important scientific research centers in the world. It will see that the director and Italian actor, involved with a play dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci is set to be performed between March and April 2015, to promote Italian culture before the opening of the Expo 2015 in Milan.



