You chose: oscar farinetti

You chose: oscar farinetti

  • Facts & Stories
    S. K.(November 17, 2017)
    Eataly founder Oscar Farinetti expands his brand of food halls in a big way. November 15th marked the grand opening of FICO Eataly World, a gastronomical and educational emporium dedicated to the tradition of Italian food. The park is located in Bologna, a city known for its rich cuisine.
  • Following its success in New York and Chicago, Eataly landed in Boston late last year. After its original strongholds—the fish restaurant Il Pesce, and a pop-up restaurant called La Cucina—Eataly Boston has now added a grilled-cuisine restaurant, Terra, which includes a Barrel Room where you can taste artisanal beers directly from the barrel.
  • Eataly is funding an air-filtration system that will extend the painting’s life by an estimated 500 years, nearly doubling its current age. The Italian food mecca shared the details of the installation at an international press conference linked between New York, Milan, and São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Facts & Stories
    Tommaso Cartia(February 07, 2017)
    Eataly is the biggest market for Italian products in the world, so what better way to celebrate its tenth anniversary than with a toast? For this occasion, the beautiful Eataly NYC Downtown location was transformed into a vineyard to host Slow Wine 2017’s New York event. Every year the traveling Slow Wine event offers small and medium-sized Italian wine producers the chance to present themselves to the international market.
  • Quale miglior modo per celebrare il decimo anniversario della fondazione di Eataly, il più grande mercato di prodotti italiani nel mondo, se non con un brindisi! La bella cornice di Eataly NYC Downtown, presso il World Trade Center, si è trasformata per l’occasione in un grande vigneto che ha ospitato la tappa newyorchese di Slow Wine 2017, l’evento itinerante che ogni anno offre ai piccoli e medi produttori di vini italiani l’occasione di farsi conoscere nei grandi mercati internazionali.
  • FICO Eataly World introduces their new program in New York City
    Facts & Stories
    Joelle Grosso(November 18, 2016)
    FICO Eataly World comes to New York City to introduce their new program that will bring the best of Italy’s food, wine, and agricultural traditions to the world.
  • Think: cabanas, beach umbrellas and delicious coastal food and summer cocktails! Summer is coming to New York early with the launch of SABBIA, an Italian seaside restaurant on the roof. Hosted by La Birreria, the pop-up will feature the best coastal food and drink under the sun.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Francine Segan(January 28, 2016)
    Recently I sat down with celebrity chef Lidia Bastianich for a long conversation that was produced and broadcast by i-ItalyTV. We talked about Lidia’s new book Mastering the Art of Italian Cuisine; as well as what it’s like being a TV chef, the genesis of the Eataly concept, cooking for several Popes, including most recently Pope Francis, and, most importantly, how cooking is, and has always been for Lidia, “a family affair.”
  • Eataly showcase its collection of temporarily extracted treasures from the museum of the Duomo in Milan. Included are statues of gargoyles and pinnacles that have decorated the Duomo since the beginning of its construction over six hundred years ago. The exhibit is being held in honor and celebration of Expo Milano 2015, hosted by the Duomo's birth city – Milan, Italy
  • Events: Reports
    I. I.(October 01, 2014)
    Two important events will celebrate Italian culture and food: “Identità Golose” and the opening of an exhibit dedicated to the Duomo of Milan in collaboration with Expo 2015. Finally, Eataly celebrates the release of two special books.
