You chose: sud

You chose: sud

  • Last summer, doing our annual browsing at the packed Italian Pavilion at the Summer Fancy Food Show in New York, we met Maria Teresa Sassano, a businesswoman from Puglia and National Vice President of the Small Industry Committee of Confindustria, the largest industrial organization in Italy (see box to the right). We hung back to talk with her about women’s roles in Italian industry and her personal efforts to promote the internationalization of small and medium-sized Italian companies.
  • Fatti e Storie
    Alfonso Ruffo(January 21, 2018)
    Imprenditori illuminati, sindaci efficienti, giudici in trincea. C'è un mezzogiorno che non si piange addosso. Che ha fretta di diventare grande. Corre, innova, esporta, un Sud che non ti aspetti, fatto di grandi e medie imprese che crescono come quelle del Nord
  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(January 11, 2011)
    In Welcome to the South, Luca Miniero's remake of an acclaimed French comedy, a North Italian postal employee aspires to a transfer to Milan, but instead finds himself dispatched to a small town near Naples...