You chose: barack obama

You chose: barack obama

  • Former US President Barack Obama was the keynote speaker at the Seeds&Chips Global Food Innovation Summit in Milan
    Former US President Barack Obama arrived in the Italian city of Milan on May 8th to discuss the intersection between food security and climate change at the Seeds&Chips Global Food Innovation Summit.
  • Matteo Renzi con Barack Obama alla Casa Bianca
    Martedì 18 ottobre il presidente del Consiglio Matteo Renzi sarà ospite dell’ultima ‘State dinner’ organizzata da Barack e Michelle Obama, accompagnato da una delegazione italiana simbolo di alcune delle eccellenze del nostro paese. Un’agenda fitta d’impegni per questa visita americana che si concluderà con un ‘pranzo ristretto’ organizzato da interlocutori vicini alla campagna politica di Hilary Clinton.
  • In his first visit to the US as Italy’s President, Sergio Mattarella met with President Barack Obama, made an important appearance at the United Nations, visited the 9/11 memorial, the new Whitney Museum designed by Renzo Piano, the Columbia University, the City Hall of NYC and the Museum of Immigration in Ellis Island. And, above all, he embraced the Italian and Italian-American community at the Guggenheim Museum. “I am also a New Yorker” the Italian President told them in English, flanked by NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo, Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero, and the Consul General in New York Natalia Quintavalle: “New York is the anthology of the world, and Italians have made and continue to make a significant contribution to the America’s progress”. Recap of his visit
  • Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi travelled to D.C. to seek the White House’s endorsement for his ambitious economic program. According to a White House statement, the two state leaders will meet on Friday to tackle other topics including the stabilization of Libya, U.S.-EU unity on Ukraine, and the need to counter extremist groups throughout the Middle East.
  • Art & Culture
    Anthony Julian Tamburri(November 25, 2014)
    In order for Italian Americans to tackle head-on the discourse of race and ethnicity we should abandon the implicitly exclusionary term “tolerance,” which implies something distasteful, if not outright negative. We should embrace instead the more inclusive term “acceptance,” which underscores assent of a condition or situation—in this case, someone’s difference (e.g., race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality)—without attempting to disapprove or modify it.
