You chose: anthony julian tamburri

You chose: anthony julian tamburri

  • Dean Anthony Julian Tamburri, Ph.D., was honored at this year’s annual Commission for Social Justice-B’nai B’rith Award Breakfast, on June 10, 2012, which was co-sponsored by the New York Grand Lodge Commission for Social Justice of the Order Sons of Italy in America and The Metro North Region of B’nai B'rith International, celebrating 31 years of solidarity between the two groups.
  • Aileen Riotto Sirey, Founder and Chair of NOIAW, meets i-Italy to share her memories of her best friend Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman be a candidate for Vice-Presidency of the United States, as well as the only Italian-American to run for such a high office. A role model for Italian-American women, Ferraro died on March 26, 2011 after twelve years from being diagnosed with multiple myeloma.
  • Editor Nancy Ziehler presents at Calandra Institute a Research Anthology on "Italian-American Students in New York City, 1975-2000." The book is based on 10 research papers on Italian-American students in the New York City area, and focuses on how Italian-American students negotiated their ethnicity in a period where issues of gender and race were very urgent in the United States.
  • Art & Culture
    Luca Delbello(January 19, 2012)
    A new book collects several essays, coming from the Italian and the Italian American academic world, in order for a greater understanding of the mafia phenomenon as seen through the eyes of cinema and literature
  • Events: Reports
    Luca Delbello(November 04, 2011)
    Professor Anthony Julian Tamburri, Dean of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, met with i-Italy to talk about the conference in honor of the late historian Philip Cannistraro: New Directions in Italian and Italian-American History.