You chose: george washington

You chose: george washington

  • Antonio Canova. Modello for George Washington (detail), 1818. Plaster. Gypsotheca e Museo Antonio Canova, Possagno Fondazione Canova onlus, Possagno; photo Fabio Zonta
    Art & Culture
    Renato Miracco(June 20, 2018)
    An insightful excursus on the greatest interpreter of Neoclassicism
  • Installation view of Canova’s George Washington in the Oval Room of the Frick Collection Photo: Michael Bodycomb
    The genius of the Italian Neoclassical sculptor finds a new renaissance in the US thanks to the cooperation of three exceptional New York City institutions. On the occasion of the unveiling of a full-size plaster copy of the original sculptor of George Washington displayed at the Frick Collection, the Italian Cultural Institute is showing a rare collection of Canova’s tempera paintings capturing mythical dancing figures. At the same time, the Consulate General of Italy hosts the photographic exhibition, "Antonio Canova," by Fabio Zonta.
  • Antonio Canova's sculpture of George Washington comes to the USA
    A statue of George Washington created by one of the greatest Italian neoclassical sculptors of all time, Antonio Canova, will be displayed at the Frick Collection starting on May 22nd, 2018 and it provides an entirely new outlook on America’s founding father.