You chose: italian products

You chose: italian products

  • Following authorization from the World Trade Organization, the Trump administration plans to impose tariffs on $7.5 billion worth of goods, including aircrafts but also Italian cheeses, French wine, Scotch whiskey, and other products from the European Union beginning October 18th.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Bianca Soria(April 09, 2015)
    A book about the foods of Italy, and about how food brings people together. It is also a book that tries to teach Americans the Italian approach to food: “In America we always ate to live, while Italians live to eat. They appreciate every facet of their food, they want to know everything about it…”
  • "If some of today's most talented chefs would simply pay attention to this historic food--which, in excellent form, ruled Italian cuisine in America from the beginning of the 20th century to roughly 1975--there'd be a huge revival in this kind of cooking, with delightful quality upgrades". This article is a response to Michele Scicolone's "Italian American Food... Why DON'T it get NO Respect?", a piece on the seminary I organized within the Italian Wine Week