To mark the 100th anniversary of the actor’s birth, the Alberto Sordi Museum and Foundation presents an exhibition in the late film star’s Roman villa, which will last from March until June 2020.
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The last episode of the famed series started by George Lucas in 1977 is not an easy film to absorb. You leave the theatre visually fulfilled but with the impression that director J.J. Abrams doesn’t have a clear notion of where the line between good and evil stands.
Inspired by a true story, the Turkish director’s new film contains the most salient themes of his oeuvre.
Ispirato ad una storia vera, il nuovo film del regista turco contiene tutti i temi portanti della sua poetica.
That’s the evocative title chosen for the retrospective exhibition on view in Rome’s Ara Pacis through May 2020. 30 years from his death and 90 from his birth, the show celebrates one of the most beloved filmmakers by the audiences of the past and present, revered by today’s directors.
Nour by Maurizio Zaccaro brings us into the nightmarish reality of many migrant children separated from their parents, allowing us to shift our perspective on the phenomenon of immigration.
Nour, di Maurizio Zaccaro, ci proietta dentro l’incubo dei tanti migranti bambini separati dai loro genitori, permettendoci di cambiare prospettiva rispetto al modo in cui si guarda al fenomeno immigrazione.
With A Rainy Day in New York, Woody Allen returns to his city, New York, making it the star of his new film that encapsulates all the themes of his oeuvre.
Between suggestive reconstruction, letters, diaries, and private confessions, Giovanni Troli’s documentary reveals the essence of a double-sided icon.
The director of the film selected to compete for the title of International Feature Film in the industry’s most highly anticipated event will come to New York, along with actor Pierfrancesco Favino, who plays Tommaso Buscetta.