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You chose: film festival

  • New York prepares for four days of great Italian auteurs, directors and premieres. The star of this year’s Italy on Screen Today Film Fest will be the acclaimed “Il Traditore” (The Traitor). Director Marco Bellocchio and actor Pierfrancesco Favino will be present to discuss the film in person.
  • New York ci riserva quattro giorni di grandi autori, di grandi registi e di grandi anteprime americane e newyorchesi. Perla della rassegna cinematografica Italy on Screen Today sarà “Il Traditore” di Bellocchio. A raccontarcelo personalmente, durante questa quarta edizione del festival, il regista Marco Bellocchio e l’attore protagonista Pierfrancesco Favino.
  • A frame from 'Franca: Chaos and Creation,' a tribute to his mother Franca Sozzani by Italian Director Francesco Carrozzini
    This fall, the New Italian Cinema Events film festival program boasts 27 years in the U.S. with its annual landmark film festival. New York, November 14 - 17, 2017. This year’s New York itinerary premieres downtown at NYU Casa Italiana Zerrilli-Marimò, with a screening of Francesco Carrozzini’s Franca: Chaos and Creation on Tuesday, Nov. 14 (6pm). The documentary serves as a tribute by Carrozzini to his mother Franca Sozzani, the late, pioneering Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Italia.
  • Indivisible - Edoardo De Angelis
    From June 1-7 at the Film Society Lincoln Center, the upcoming festival, in its 17th edition, will once again put the spotlight on contemporary Italian films, featuring eight North American and six New York premieres.
  • Just presented at the Italian Contemporary Film Festival in Toronto, right after a successful screening at the Short Film Corner in Cannes, L'Amore Corto, a short film by Valentina Vincenzini, is an Italian-New Yorker project brought to life by a crew of young Italian professionals living in New York. Produced by Jack Boar Pictures and supported by Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò, L'amore Corto tells the story of two Italians who have moved to the City hoping to live in a feature length film but they are trapped in an independent and low budget short.
  • This year’s 71st Venice Biennale international film festival showcases one of Italy’s more polemical new films: actor Sabina Guzzanti’s 100-minute “The Barter, Investigation into a the State-Mafia Negotiation.” The story is based upon a deal believed to have been worked in the earlier Nineties which allegedly resulted in a peace treaty between the Italian authorities and the Sicilian Cosa Nostra under Salvatore (“Toto’”) Riina. The film comes at the same time that the trial – the real trial – over this alleged affair is taking place in the real Palermo.