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  • I wrote about one thing on the Calandra Institute list-serve (the Arizona Ethnic Studies Bill), and, among the many responses, people spoke to another issue, as you can see below. Ben venga! I thought this might be a better forum in which to continue that discussion that was spontaneously born. I also believe that we still live willy nilly in that ever-so, never-mentioned world of Hyphenville, as I wrote in an essay more than twenty years ago that was, for that time, courageously published by Guernica Editions.
  • Life & People
    Sara Capraro(February 17, 2009)
    The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute of Queens College/CUNY and the Italian Cultural Institute presented a preview screening of the documentary film Mussolini, l’ultima notte (Mussolini: The Last Night). An interview with the director, screenwriter, and lead actor Ugo De Vita
  • Facts & Stories
    Damiano Beltrami(September 22, 2008)
    CUNY Graduate Center: Walter Veltroni, leader of the Italian Democratic Party, talks about American elections, the future of the European Union and the alarming fear of immigration in Italy.
