Lazio Caput Mundi. “Lazio Isn't Only Rome”
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“Lazio isn't only Rome”. With these words the Italian Consul General in New York Francesco Maria Talò greeted the delegation of the region, in town to present the new initiatives of the land. The evening was presented by ENIT, the National Tourism Agency, committed to promoting the artistic beauties, the legacy and the eno-gastronomic richness of Lazio.
“Lazio is the culture of the world” commented Stefano Zappalà, Minister for Tourism and Marketing. “It is an open museum, the only territory that never faltered in its development. It has been a protagonist of it for thousands of years. We have come to New York to speak about it because New York is what we consider the capital of the world – allow me to add jokingly – after Rome, obviously”.
Zappalà underlined the launching of a new portal of the Region. The website (, will be online in February) will be the coordinated image of the whole territory and will supply different services. It will allow the user to discover the lesser known treasures of Lazio, with certain sections dedicated to transportation, catering, hotels and history. The objective is to facilitate the planning of a trip by having a concrete information with simple accessibility. In addition the Region is increasing the land transportation network as well as planning a deal with MSC Crociere, Costa and Grimaldi for developing cruising tourism to the port of Civitavecchia.
Alongside the words of the Councilor was a video made by director Franco Zeffirelli, and a video by Folco Quilici not yet completed. This event at ENIT was just a preview and the official presentation will take place in Rome in February.
“Everyone knows the marvels of Rome – continued Zappalà – but we care to underline that Lazio is also a mass of tiny historical towns, castles, Etruscan archaeological sites. It takes under an hour to go from Rome to the sea, or from Rome to the mountains. All that has to be done is choose.
Many private investments gave vitality to the Region, these past years. Under the lake in the Roman area EUR, a habitat was created for the reproduction of Mediterranean fauna; construction is going on in Valmontone for amusement park, in Castelromano for a theme park about cinema – Cinecittà World, and in Torvaianica Zoomarine has already opened.
Pietro di Paolantonio, Councilor of Productive Activities, also took part in the event and spoke about the creation of tourist packages that include different itineraries around the Refion. “All of this will be part of the site and will give it extra value, allowing for a new way of discovering the rich offer of Lazio, a place of culture and tradition”.
Angela Brinidelli, Councilor for Agricultural Politics reminded those present that a few months ago the New York Times published a piece about Roman cuisine and the products of Lazio.
Speaking about the eno-gastronomic excellence of Lazio, she informed the public that “a window of typical products from Lazio was launched at Eataly NY. A varied production that doesn't only include Roman product but also dishes from the rest of the territory. An invitation to visit the Region and enjoy what it has to offer, together with its artistic and cultural heritage for which it is already famous around the world”.
At the end a piece of news was announced, relating to Rome: Oscar Farinetti, the founder of Eataly, is about to open another Eataly mega-store in “a great location” in Rome.
January 6. Day of the Epiphany. The Councilors from Lazio couldn't have picked a better day to be in New York for this event. Afterwards, although there were no Befana stockings, a rich buffet was presented filled with specialties from the region.
"Omaggio a Roma" by Franco Zeffirelli with Andrea Bocelli and Monica Bellucci
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