Focus::Daily News


THE WASHINGTON POST. In presenting Martin Scorsese with the Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievement at the Golden Globes, his longtime friend and collaborator Robert De Niro found a new way to describe the director's famous, obsessive love of cinema. (Read the article)

THE NEW YORK TIMES. In Rosarno, where the worst immigrant rioting ever seen in Italy took place over the weekend, the economy is so weak that locals and immigrants are competitors. (Read the article by Rachel Donadio)

ROLLINGSTONE. "MTV's Jersey Shore is one of those genius ideas that looks simple in retrospect: The Sopranos plus Laguna Beach.," writes Rob Sheffield in the last issue of RollingStone. "People may pretend to watch Jersey Shore because they look down on these kids. But really, we envy their ability to look in the mirror and say, 'Shoot, could that be the Situation? Yes, sir, it is.' These kids are into themselves. That's why this show has inspired so much outrage. They don't crave our approval. It's summertime, and the Situation is easy." (Read the full article)

ANSA. Systemic problems in Italy helped fuel the violent unrest involving foreign farmhands in Calabria last week, representatives of two international organizations said Tuesday. Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and two leading United Nations figures voiced separate concerns about the poor treatment of foreigners. (Read the article)

ANSA. A snapshot of Italy in statistics released Tuesday depicted a healthy though ageing nation where immigrants represent an ever greater part of the economy but where women still struggle to make headway in the workforce. (Read the article)

AP. Felicia Lettieri, of Pompeii, Italy, and six relatives had taken two cabs from midtown Manhattan to Penn Station on Christmas Eve. The 72-year-old Lettieri left her purse behind, with more than $21,000 of the group's traveling money, jewelry worth thousands more, and some of their passports. (Read the article)

BBC. A historic map of the world, with China at its centre, has gone on display at the Library of Congress in Washington.

The map was created by Italian missionary Matteo Ricci in 1602. It is one of only two copies in existence in good condition. (Read the article)

ANSA. The technological secrets behind the might of the Roman Empire are the focus of a unique new show that has opened in Rome, with visitors positively encouraged to touch many of the exhibits. (Read the article)

THE GUARDIAN. The ­Sopranos is not especially original – stepping into the shoes of two ­classic mafia movies, The Godfather and ­Goodfellas – but its ­radicalism was in the application of this subject-matter to a weekly ­domestic drama. (Read the article)

CBSNEWS. Of his latest challenge — directing a Broadway play — actor Stanley Tucci said, "I don't do this just to have a certain level of fame. I do it because I want a challenge. I want to keep growing." (Read the article)
