Sagra del Libro: The Italian American Book Festival Open to ALL WRITERS Friday, February 26, 2016 from 6-10 PM
This event is dedicated to our recently departed Board member and friend, Emelise Aleandri who initiated the Sagra del Libro in 2012 when it took place at Fordham University. This edition will take place at the only OSIA lodge in Manhattan, the Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge #285 in the heart of Little Italy.
This is an historic collaboration between the Order of the Sons of Italy's Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge #285 and The Italian American Writers Association (IAWA) as they host a “Sagra Del Libro" or Book Fair opened to all writers.
The evening includes an Open Reading that will feature American Book Award winner, Maria Mazziotti Gillan and a host of participating authors, cena or supper, and an opportunity to meet with writers, authors and publishers. Among the participating publishers are Bordighera Press and Fordham University Press.
WHAT: In past years on a Sunday in May most bookstores remained open in Italy to support and promote its writers. This initiative was called "Celebrazione dei Libri" (Celebration of Books). Our Sagra Del Libro continues in the spirit of that movement by celebrating our Italian-American literary culture.
WHERE: At the Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge Hall at the Church of the Most Precious Blood, also known as the San Genarro church, 113 Baxter Street in Manhattan's Little Italy.
WHO: All writers, publishers, literary event organizers and artists are invited to display their promotional materials and sell their books and services at this event. Tables will be set up for displays, books and promotional materials, and authors will be available to speak with attendees and sign books. Lively presentations or readings by the authors will make for a fascinating evening of celebrating our Italian-American writers.
HOW to Participate: Contact either Bob Agnoli at 917-816-9916 or Gil Fagiani at [email protected] to reserve a spot or for additional information. Free to all. A charge of $5.00 for individual authors and publishers will reserve a spot and participate. Payment should be by check made out to the Lt. Joseph Petrosino Lodge and mailed to Robert Agnoli, 175 Pinehurst Ave., Apt. 1F, New York, NY 10033.
DIRECTIONS: By subway, J, N, Q, Z to Canal Street (212) 226-6427
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