Italy on Screen Today

Joelle Grosso (October 20, 2016)
The first edition of the Italian film festival, Italy on Screen Today, will be showing in New York from October 26th to October 30th.

NYU’s Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò, SoHo’s Loreto Theater - Sheen Center and Long Island’s Stony Brook University are all working together to host the first ever Italy on Screen Today, which will feature screenings of Italian movies and documentaries as well as live conferences with some of the industry’s most popular artists. 

Loredana Commonara, who created this festival also serves as the Artistic Director and has put together a special tribute to Altiero Spinelli on the 30th anniversary of his passing. He is one of the founding fathers of the European Union and someone who dedicated his life to making sure Italian artists gain proper acknowledgment for their talents. Another interesting highlight will include a visit by the actress Paola Cortellesi who has won awards for her role in the films Nessuno mi può giudicare and Scusate se esisto!

On October 26th, Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò will be screening the film “Europe Before Europe,” a documentary about the Ventotene Manifesto which marked the beginnings of the European Union as well as the independent film, “My Name is Adil,” which is about a boy and his journey from Morocco to Italy. The next evening on October 27th, they will be screening “Un Mondo Nuovo” a film about a group of kids who dream up a utopia as World War II takes over and destroys Europe. 

All of these screenings are open to the public so please feel free to join Italy on Screen Today and reserve your tickets as soon as possible!





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