LGBTQ in Italian-American Theater
March 25, 2019
06:30 pm

LGBTQ in Italian-American Theater

Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò
24 West 12th Street
10011 New York, NY
United States

Rainbow Jubilee is a series of three events that Casa Italiana put together with its theater company in residence KIT to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising. The events will feature LGBTQ theater respectively from Italy (February 25th), the US (March 25th) and from the rest of the world (April 15th): three events of live performance to discover how much LGBTQ topics have been portrayed on stage and by what means.

How often are Italian-American LGBTQ stories told onstage in the U.S.? How do Italian-American authors and directors treat LGBTQ stories when they are actually produced and performed? How does the community (both Italian-American and LGBTQ) react to said stories? Find out with an evening of readings and a panel.