- Sicily is a very rich land in terms of music and culture. It’s a transitory land where cultures mix, so it’s easy to find excellencies among the singer-songwriters, jazz, folk, blues, classical music, electronic music, and music of any genre. There’s excitement in air. Sicily represents my ‘beautiful cursed cradle.'
- CLICK THE IMAGE TO WATCH THE VIDEO - Cu ti lu dissi - Rosa Balistreri (Alessandra Salerno Version)
- CLICK THE IMAGE TO WATCH THE VIDEO - Creep - Radiohead (Acoustic Cover Alessandra Salerno Autoharp)
- I needed other things to stimulate me, to consult with labels, writers, and go to concerts that would never come to Sicily. I needed to broaden my horizons. In Sicilian we say ‘cu nesci, arrinesci.’ In Italian that would be ‘chi esce, riesce!’ or in English ‘Those who leave, succeed!' Milan has a special place in my heart, and it’s almost a second home for me, but Sicily will always be number one.
- CLICK THE IMAGE TO WATCH THE VIDEO - The Voice of Italy 2015 Alessandra Salerno La Bambola
- It’s extremely satisfying to be considered the spiritual winner of The Voice of Italy 2015 and to be remembered for what I did on TV two years ago. This is a real victory because talent shows can be dark forests. You need to make sure you don’t get used. You need to use these shows as showcases for our really fragile careers (and today it seems like these are the only channels you pass through) to reach the most people possible with your music.
- CLICK THE IMAGE TO WATCH THE VIDEO - People Help The People - Cherry Ghost (Alessandra Salerno Autoharp Version)
- I will finally get to meet the Italian-American organization that has made history in the USA and that continues to be committed to the promotion of the Italian culture across the world. Furthermore, NIAF is sponsoring my first entry into the United States, and I hope it’s a fruitful trip.
- CLICK THE IMAGE TO WATCH THE VIDEO - The Voice IT | Serie 3 | Anteprima Blind Audition "Creep"
- We’re also only a few months out from the year in which my hometown of Palermo is going to the the Capital of Italian Culture, and I’m also excited for what will happen with that.
- NYU's Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò will host the singer on November 27