From 7pm to 7am, the Cultural Services of the French Embassy [2], along with the Brooklyn Public Library [3], is presenting A Night of Philosophy and Ideas 2018 at the Central Library [4] in Brooklyn. This free event is a night of intellectual and stimulating conversation with presentations by some of the top philosophers in the world. There will also be performances throughout the night and into the morning.
Philosophy to Promote Activism
Embodying the power of change and activism, the event coincides with the 50th anniversary of the international student-led protests of 1968 [5]. Taking inspiration from that historic year, there will be thematic discussions about collective action, and how everyday people can bring positive change in their own countries and around the world.
Presenting a plethora of topics, various philosophers will encourage debate and interactions amongst the group. Participation is encouraged in order to intelligently discuss various issues and ideas that are relatable to anyone.
Chiara Bottici and the Anarcha-feminism philosophy
One of the special guests is Italian Professor Chiara Bottici [6] whose talk is presented by the Italian Cultural Institute [7]. Bottici is presenting her case study on “Anarcha-feminism [8]” at 11:30 pm.
"In the last few years, it has become a commonplace to state that domination takes place through a multiplicity of axes, where gender, class, race, and sexuality intersect with one another," stated Bottici presenting her study. "While a lot of insightful empirical work is being done under the heading of intersectionality, it is very rarely linked to the anarchist tradition that preceded it. I would like to articulate this point by showing the usefulness but also the limits of the notion of intersectionality to understand mechanisms of domination and then move on to argue for the need of an anarcha-feminist research program. This will allow me to attempt to articulate the question of ‘what it means to be a woman’ in pluralistic terms and thus also to defend a specifically feminist form of anarchism"
Professor Bottici is an Associate Professor who teaches philosophy at the New School for Social Research. She received her PhD from the European Institute and has previously taught at the University of Frankfurt.
For more information on the event please visit: [9]
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