New York born Italian-American Lady Gaga has added her name to Governor Cuomo’s “Enough is Enough” campaign. In light of the recent high-profile cases of sexual assault in American universities and the inability of the university system to effectively handle these instances, a bill to ensure the safety of New York’s public and private college campuses is currently before the legislature. The bill, a New York State initiative, seeks to create a uniform sexual assault policy for college campuses statewide, in order to combat sexual violence and protect students.
The star’s endorsement of the bill comes as no surprise - Lady Gaga herself is a victim of sexual assault and her Born This Way Foundation works to support and empower youth to create a more accepting and loving world to live in.
Each year, thousands of American students start a new chapter of their academic careers by enrolling in college. The transition to college student, according to The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, makes college-aged women four times more likely than any other age group to be a victim of sexual assault. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Justice reports that about 1 in 5 women are targets of attempted or completed sexual assault during their college career.
Sexual assault at the university campuses is a national issue that must be addressed. Governor Cuomo hopes the bill will encourage other states to follow suit and establish their own legislation to protect college students. According to Governor Cuomo, “Too many college students today experience sexual assault, too few of the assailants are prosecuted, and too often the survivors lack the resources they need to recover.” In fact, less than five percent of rapes occurring on New York college campuses are reported to law enforcement.
As this year’s legislative session draws to a close on June 17, Cuomo and Lady Gaga have penned an op-ed for Billboard.com that encourages New York state lawmakers to pass the legislation. In the words of Lady Gaga, “We have a responsibility to the young men and women of this country to stand up against sexual violence everywhere.”
Join Lady Gaga and stand up against campus sexual assault.
Source URL: http://test.iitaly.org/magazine/focus/facts-stories/article/gaga-says-enough-enough
[1] http://test.iitaly.org/files/gaga1434000143jpg