The Italian Consulate General [2] in New York, in collaboration with IACE [3] (Italian - American Committee on Education), La Scuola d’ Italia "G. Marconi" [4] and many other institutions, is committed to promote and spread the knowledge of the Italian language with various initiatives not only within the Italo-American community,but also in American public schools.
In this context, the Consulate General has decided to undertake a new initiative aimed at creating English - Italian bilingual sections in the public schools of New York under the "DUAL PROGRAM" [5] activated by the City for this reason, and has decided to organize an informational meeting with experts on bilingualism and Mr. Fabice Jaumont [6], the head of the Education Department at the French Embassy, which has already started this journey in the most important schools in New York.
The plan is to be able to understand the benefits of bilingualism, but above all the bureaucratic and organizational path to activate in order to achieve the creation of bilingual classes in public schools, beginning with kindergarten, together.
The success of this initiative requires the involvement and interest of the Italian and Italian- American community, without which it would be very difficult to undertake this new and important step.
Once the projectis finished, the families of Italian origin, can continue to maintain their cultural and linguistic roots in the framework of the American educational system, which would then be offering their children an extra chance.
Please join the efforts of the Italian institutions and and the Italian and Italian-American communities and come for the meeting "The advantages of Bilingualism: Creating together an Italian Dual Language Program in your local Public School," to be held on April 3 at 6:00 pm at the Consulate General of Italy, 690 Park Avenue, New York.
Speakers include:
Bahar Octu-Grillman, Ed.D. Mercy College Assistant Professor TESOL/Bilingual Education Fabice Jaumont, Education Attache', Embassy of France
Carlo Davoli Education Office Director, Consulate General of Italy, NY
Maria Kot Community liaison with Metropolitan Russian American Parents Association
Anna Cano-Amato, Principal at PS 110, Brooklyn
Robin Sundick, Prinicipal at PS 84, Upper West Side
NY Parents involved in the creation of Dual language programs in PS in New York.
Q & A session to follow
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