In occasion of the Year of Italian Culture in the USA, the Giannino Bassetti Foundation together with the Consulate-General of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco presented the project “Making in Italy-Making in the USA: Craftmanship, Technology and Design, Innovating with Beauty”. The initiative, whose intent was to build a bridge between the excellences of the Made in Italy and the technology of the USA, was held from June 11 to June 24 in San Francisco.
A rich program whose aim was to present and discuss together the challenges of the so called“third revolution” and create a new concept of the economy of beauty.
Making in Italy-Making in the USA was the perfect opportunity for several Italian and American craftsmen, makers and intellectuals, cultivators of beauty and experts in new technologies to compare multiple forms of creativity and innovation.
A way through which American firms with their last-generation technologies met the Italian culture with its ability of interpreting and representing design as a form of poetry, beauty and business.
The Giannino Bassetti Foundation, whose objective is to promote a new culture of making through responsible innovation, opens with this project a new path towards a future that will change the models of global production. According to Piero Bassetti, Chairman of the Foundation : “It is during this revolution, in which Italy and United States play both a key role, and both with their own characteristics, that we can go towards a change and find new ways to build the future of humanity”.
Source URL: http://test.iitaly.org/magazine/focus/facts-stories/article/making-in-italy-making-in-usa
[1] http://test.iitaly.org/files/pierobassetti1372222894png