The affair, which showcases [2] more than 40 collections from some of Italy’s most notable designers, including Versace, Armani and Prada, was officially scheduled to run from February 24 until March 1. But then Wintour declared she would only be in attendance on February 26, 27, and 28—the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the shows—in order, according to the UK’s The Daily Telegraph [3], to have time to stop in Paris and then make it to the Oscars in L.A. Many of the big name designers asked to move their shows, not wanting to send their collections down the runway when Wintour’s influential eyes wouldn’t witness them first hand.
Needless to say, many industry insiders were upset. "It has bad consequences for many, many
people involved in the shows, from stylists to models to hairdressers. It's absolutely crazy,” Mario Boselli, head of the Italian Fashion Chamber told theThe Daily Telegraph, [3] "She's welcome in Milan but if she only comes for a fleeting visit, perhaps it would be better is she stayed at home.”
What also irks Italian organizers is that although Wintour cut her Paris visit short as well, nothing there changed. Boselli told Italy’s La Repubblica [4], “Questo discorso l’ha fatto con gli italiani, ma anche con i francesi che sfilano dopo di noi. Solo che a Parigi nessuno ha messo mano al calendario. Qui, invece, è successa la rivoluzione.” (This discussion was made with the Italians, but also with the French, who are showing after us. It’s just that in Paris, no one touched the calendar. Here, however, there was a revolution.)
But now it’s looking like the big players might save the week, after all: Prada and Fendi are, in fact, going to stick to showing their collections on February 25, WWD [5] reported on Wednesday. And Giorgio Armani is defending his country, as well. In La Republicca [6] he writes, “….non si possono concentrare quarantacinque sfilate nel venerdì-sabato-domenica perché lo gradirebbe la signora Anna Wintour.” (You cannot concentrate 45 runway shows on Friday and Saturday and Sunday because it would please Anna Wintour.)
Source URL: http://test.iitaly.org/magazine/focus/facts-stories/article/anna-wintours-3-day-visit-throws-milan-fashion-week-balance
[1] http://test.iitaly.org/files/dolce1266091979jpg
[2] http://www.cameramoda.it/mmd/
[3] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/fashion/milan-fashion-week/7207157/Milan-Fashion-Week-in-chaos-after-Anna-Wintour-cuts-visit-short.html
[4] http://milano.repubblica.it/dettaglio/La-settimana-milanese-della-modadimezzata-dalla-lady-delle-sfilate/1850519
[5] http://www.wwd.com/fashion-news/prada-fendi-switch-show-dates-2453181
[6] http://milano.repubblica.it/dettaglio/GIORGIO-ARMANIBasta-con-i-diktat-sulle-sfilateecco-la-mia-idea-sul-calendario/1857564?ref=rephp#commentatutti