The project explores the relationship between different generations of Italians in America and is narrated firsthand by the protagonists. Five couples of grandparents and grandchildren tell their stories in a conversation that touches on central issues concerning Italian identity in the US.
Introductory remarks by:
- Francesco Genuardi, Consul General of Italy in New York
- Michael Arena, Pulitzer Prize, Director for Communications and Marketing, CUNY
Presentations by:
- Gaetano Calà (Director of ANFE and member of CGIE)
- Letizia Airos (Editor in Chief and co-founder i-Italy)
- Ottorino Cappelli, PhD (Project Manager and co-founder i-Italy)
The protagonists of the video will be present.
They include:
- Matilda Raffa Cuomo and Amanda Cole
- Joseph Tusiani and Paola Tusiani
- Aileen Riotto Sirey and Emma Bankier
- Rosaria Liuzzo and Mara Sparacino
- John P. Calvelli and John D. Calvelli
WHEN: Italy National Day, June 2nd, 5PM
WHERE: The Consulate General of Italy in New York, 690 Park Ave.
The first conversations will run on our television show, which airs every week on NYCTV (Channel25 & 525). Immediately after airing, they will be made available on the web (www.i-Italy.org)
Il progetto è stato realizzato con ll sostegno del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale - Direzione Generale per gli Italiani all'Estero e le Politiche Migratorie.
Source URL: http://test.iitaly.org/magazine/events/reports/article/grandparents-grandchildren-in-italian-america-nonni-e-nipoti
[1] http://test.iitaly.org/files/nonninipotiinvito1464312963jpg